Friday, October 7, 2011

Life is like a box of chocolates...

I think chocolate is good for the soul.
Allow me to back pedal and say that I actually do not enjoy it all that much. I very rarely eat it, especially in candy form, but sometimes...there is something so satisfying about a simple Hershey's kiss. I realize this is a strange way to start a blog, but I was thinking earlier today how easy it is to overlook the little joys of life. This is an idea I come back to often; that it is the small things that make the world so wonderful. It's always well and good in the moment, and perhaps a few days afterward...but soon enough, I forget to remember to enjoy life's tiny miracles: The smell of the air after it rains. The feel of fresh cut grass under bare feet. The sound of my nephew's laugh. The beautiful still of sunset. The sweet, smooth, velvety taste of a piece of chocolate. So many inconspicuous things that I take for granted almost every day. Today, I am going to make a promise to myself that every single day, at least once a day, I am going to appreciate the world around me, find beauty in the otherwise banal. Because every single second (every heartbeat, every breathe) takes me closer to my last.

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